Saturday, 15 April 2017


Grace, Easter, Jesus, Cross

I want to tell you a story
A story so dear to me
The story of our Lord Jesus Christ

Who left his heavenly throne
Amidst His magnanimity and supremacy
To bring to us the gospel of love
The gospel of grace, the gospel of salvation

Man's heart was filled with hatred and greed and lust
Often disposing his brothers off his rights and privileges
All for selfish interest, selfish gains, selfish reasons
See cruelty ruled the face of the earth
With total recklessness and ceaseless abandonment
Various degrees of violence and immoralities were the order of the day

The world was dark and seemed irredeemable
Covetousness and self mindedness beclouded the sense of reasoning of those that lived therein
The earth lost its glory and soon became a state of worry
Ruffians soon invaded the high places and presided over the affairs of man
The earth was in a state of turmoil, a state of despair
The earth was in a total state of quagmire

There was a need for total restoration
God in His infinite mercy looked upon the face of the earth
He saw our iniquities, He saw our reproaches, He even saw our injustice
He said "who will go down upon her to liberate the people from the shackles of death?"
All the angels shivered with great fear of what lies ahead
But Jesus being a man of valour arose from his glory and said, "Father send me"

Born of a pure a pure virgin maiden 
Into the home of an ordinary carpenter
Grew up just like every normal child
He grew in wisdom and power
Tempted by the devil himself
But he came out victorious
He was not swayed by earthly splendour
But with the business of restoration

He went about preaching the gospel of grace
He taught in the synagogues with signs and sermons
He lived a life free from every frivolities and pleasures of this world
But his people believed him not
Among the numerous miracles which he performed
There is one that I found astonishing
It was the miraculous feeding of the five thousand
From a five small barley loaves of bread and two fishes
He fed a multitude of hungry ardent followers

Jesus, Easter, Grace

Now darkness spreads its ugly wings across the dingy sky
A son once loved has now been forsaken
He was left bare and naked under the piercing eyes of those that wanted him dead
Soldiers casted lots upon his garment
He was forced to drink a sour wine of scorn
He wore a crown of thorns so that it prickled and his blood dripped down his face
Stabbed in the ribs for my sake and drenched in the pool of his own blood
He became a broken warrior
He was bathed with all manner of curses and mockery
Nailed to a stake with a nine inches nail
He shrieked having been inflicted with great excruciating pains
It was such a gory sight to behold

Even the Father couldn't withstand the intensity of our iniquities
For the sins of the world were upon his shoulders like knives to kill
Then darkness covered the face of the earth for a gruesome three hours
He cried "my father, my father why art though forsaken me?"

See each time I reflected back at the story of the cross
I felt like crying like I stabbed him myself
My hands are stained with blood and my feet are soiled in mud
See I lived everyday of my life, living with the guilt of a condemned soul
Gallivanting like a wanderer all alone in a cursed world
I can't seem to fathom how I continuously live in shame
For the atrocities that my actions have cursed
Shrouded in solitary of my own solitude
And engrossed in the confinement of my own negligence
Looking up to heaven to find a place of solace
I prayed fervently and fasted ceaselessly that I should find grace

By virtue of the cognizance of my prayers
And in just exactly three days as promised
The angels came down from heaven and said, "Behold! For he has risen!"
For he rose so that I may rise with him
He went into hell and defeated death so that I might have life and have it in abundance
He was condemned so that I can be redeemed
He fought so that I might hold my peace
He died so that I might live again

For by his stripes, I am healed
Through his torture, I shall find succour
Through his mysteries, I shall raise ministries
Woe! Unto the earth for the devil has come down upon you
But my hope is in Jesus for he has risen from the dead
What manner of man is he?
Even death hearkens to his commands
And the ocean pays obeisance when he calls
Demon too does his bidding
The stronghold of Hades couldn't prevail when he got hold of the keys of hell and got it locked for ever and ever

This is the season of sober reflection
A season for a reason
A season where divinity meets humanity
A season where humility quenches our hostility
A season where his sovereignty liberates us from our hostility
A season where spirituality embraces our carnality
A season of total bliss and tranquility

See, he led an exemplary lifestyle so that we might follow
So why would I struggle when I should be living as king and you as queen?
Why would I fear when he has made my enemies my footstool?
So, why would I shiver when he had given me the comforter?
Why would I be doomed when he had absorbed all my sins and buried it in the tomb?
 Saying "as many as those that believed in the Lord, to them He gave the power to become the sons and daughters of God"

This, my brothers and sisters is a period of grace.

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